About Us

Mission Statement

Arts Access North Carolina is a non-profit dedicated to creating a positive impact at the intersection of arts, education and disability. Our vision is to have communities in which the arts are universally accessible. We value acceptance, lived experiences, partnerships and collaboration with those in our growing community.

vector graphic of people, some with bionic legs, wheelchairs, and other

Overview Of Arts Access

Arts Access NC wants to enable children and adults with disabilities to have full access to and participate in the arts and cultural life of our community. We want to see arts organizations operate with inclusion as a core value, provide programs and events that are barrier free and provide equal access to people with disabilities.

Additionally we envision an arts community that is welcoming to artists with disabilities, providing meaningful connections and paid work. Our values reflect the social/rights model of disability which looks at removing barriers (physical and attitudinal) that restrict life choices for people with disabilities. When barriers are removed, people with disabilities can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their lives. 

Discrimination, Ableism and Racism

Arts Access does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious affiliation, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law.

It is our policy that all in-person and online events we host or co-host are in ADA accessible and inclusive spaces and meet accessible meeting guidelines. This includes considering where the event is held, what platform the virtual event is on, and how information is communicated before and during the event. This is done to intentionally create spaces where everyone is included and can participate. For assistance or guidance with accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Funding for Arts Access is provided by:

  • Grants from City of Raleigh Arts Council, the John Rex Foundation, North Carolina Arts Council, Triangle Community Foundation, United Arts Council of Wake County 
  • Contracts with Access/VSA at the John F. Kennedy Center
  • Corporate and Community Grants and Foundations
  • In-kind Contributions
  • Workshops, Consulting and Audio Description Fees
  • Contributions

Arts Access NC in the News

June 29th, 2023, Triangle Community Foundation: Connecting Art to All in the Community

May 1st, 2023, Cary Magazine Nonprofit Spotlight

November 26th, 2020, UNC-TV’s North Carolina Weekend: Accessing Art

September 2020, Walter Magazine “All Access Arts: Raleigh’s Cultural Scene Welcomes All”

September 30th, 2019, Triangle Downtowner Magazine “Arts Access: Non Profit Spotlight”