Sign Language and CART Services
Arts Access does not currently provide ASL or CART services.
Arts Access, Inc. provides contact information for interpreters we use regularly. A listing is not necessarily an endorsement by Arts Access: (If you are an interpreter who would like to sign for live theatre and other live events, we are happy to list you here!)
- Ryan Pinion, ASL Interpreter,
- Sarah Harrington, Interpreter for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing,
- Sheila Craig, Sign Language Interpreter,
- Sorenson Communications,,
- Communication Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc (ASL and CART Services),, (336) 275-8878 Voice, (336) 542-3981 VP, (336) 273-0015 Fax
Other ASL and CART Resources:
- NC Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Directory of ASL interpreters [PDF]
- Searchable Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf [URL]
- Tips To Consider when booking an ASL Interpreter [PDF]
- Remote Language and Interpretation Services – ALTA Language
Captioning and Transcription
At this time, Arts Access does not provide captioning services. We have compiled several resources for understanding and creating captions yourself, or places to outsource captions.
Captioning Resources, Guidelines, and DIY/Outsourcing Options
- NCDHHS Division of Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Assistive Technology Resources [URL]
- Web Accessibility Initiative: Making Audio and Visual Media Accessible [URL]
- University of Washington Creating Accessible Videos [URL] – includes info about captioning, audio description, and outsourcing and DIY methods for both
Captions: Conference Call/Video
- Google Hangouts (Video Conference) Captioning – Automatic
- NEW Jan. 2021 – Zoom Captioning – Requires a paid account to enable autogenerated live transcription
- DHHS Deaf and Hard of Hearing Captionists and Relay Operators [URL]
Video Captions: DIY and Outsourcing Options
- Captioning YouTube Videos [URL]
- Adding Captions to Facebook Videos [URL]
- Amara [URL]
- Rooted in Rights Captioning Overview 2 minute Video [YouTube]
- Captioning Key [URL] – thorough resource with specific captioning guidelines
Video Captions: Outsourcing – A listing here is not necessary an endorsement by Arts Access.
- Caption Access
- [URL]
- 3Play Media [URL]
- Meaning-for-Meaning Captions: Typewell
- Empire Caption Solutions [URL]