What We Do


Provide a statewide platform for sharing information related to arts and disability through our website, social media and e-news.

Workshops and Trainings

Arts Access organizes statewide workshops on topics including educating arts organization staff on best practices for including people with disabilities, arts educators professional development.

We also do consultations services for organizations, including:

  • Facility reviews
  • ADA accessibility plans
  • Customized trainings

Learn more about our training and consultations.

Audio Description

Audio Description for performances at Triangle Area Venues, so that patrons who are blind or have low vision can fully experience performing and public arts.

Artist Link Project

The Artist Link Project (ALP) encourages and promotes the work of North Carolinian artists with disabilities. ALP is free to join. Read more about the Artist Link Project here!

Wake Arts Inclusion Project 

The Wake Arts Inclusion Project (WAIP) is a three-year (2019-2022) effort to increase the ability of Wake County arts educators and community cultural programs to successfully include school age youth with disabilities in classrooms and community offerings. WAIP is supported through a grant funded by the John Rex Endowment. Read more about the Wake Arts Inclusion Project.

Series Of Fortunate Events

Our annual Series of Fortunate Events (SOFE) showcases artists with disabilities in the arts. With the opening of the Arts Access Gallery we will be taking a brief hiatus. 

SOFE will return!